My Core Beliefs
Live Playfully (Rule #6)
Speak Truthfully
Source yourself from Humility
Wisdom above knowledge always
Live with Integrity
Unconditional love is the highest form of Respect
Live Courageously with an open heart
Passionately live life full on.
I don't care how strong or flexible you are.
Show me how willing you are.
Show me how compassionate you are.
Show me how passionate you are.
I work damn hard.
I don't practice I play!
I swear but always for the right reasons!
I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.
I live a life of service.
I don't instruct yoga I teach it.
I believe the most beautiful thing a woman can wear is confidence.
I believe advanced poses come from lifting the edges of the mouth. :)
I love my students as much as my family.
Tell me the ugly truth over the pretty lie.
I walk my talk
I am a student of possibility.
That's who I am that's what I do.
I am Daniel Vincent.